Notes on math education and DIE

William Biagini:

At a recent mathematics education conference in Nashville, Tennessee, scholars pushed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda. Campus Reform obtained exclusive audio and images from the meeting.

The conference was the 44th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, held from Nov. 17 – Nov. 20. 

An entire section of the academic gathering was dedicated to “Equity and Justice” in mathematics education.

Papers presented under this heading included “Leveraging Equity and Civic Empathy through Community-Based Mathematical Modeling,” “Discourses of Justice,” “Equitable Teaching Practices: Developing Emergent Bilinguals’ Positive Mathematical Identities,” and “Whiteness in Fearmongering Towards Mathematics Education Reform.”

In one image, a presentation slide can be seen with the term “Equipartitioning,” giving an example of a practice problem involving equitably distributing sandwiches brought on a field trip.