UNC’s New School Plans, Revealed
We’d also like to compliment the paper on its acquisition of the list of potential course offerings at the school. The article cites former UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp as noting that our reporting confirmed the presence of a vast right-wing conspiracy. So let’s have a look at the list of scandalous potential course offerings for the new school.
UNC students might study subjects like “Democracy: Ancient and Modern,” “Liberty and Equality in American Political Thought” and “Race and the American Story.” Wait, it gets worse. There’s also “Capitalism and its Critics,” “Conservatism and its Critics,” “Liberalism and Its Critics,” “The Role of Science and Religion in Society” and even “Leadership for Engineers.”
This isn’t exactly a potboiler of right-wing propaganda, but more like an attempt at an even-handed curriculum educating students on the big political themes that endure in a democracy. If this stuff is threatening, we have to ask: Are progressives really ready to cast any effort to debate ideas and reduce polarization as the sole province of conservatives?