Virginia’s Governor and K-12 substantive Change

Scott Calvert:

Vir­ginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin built his suc­cess­ful 2021 run for gov­er­nor in large part on pledges to ban crit­i­cal race the­ory and boost parental con­trol in pub­lic schools such as in Loudoun County, the scene of rau­cous school-board de­bates over is­sues such as Covid-19 mask poli­cies and race-re­lated in­struc­tion.

On his first day in of­fice he is­sued ed­u­ca­tion-re­lated ex­ec­u­tive or­ders. One aimed to ban the teach­ing of crit­i­cal race the­ory—a view that the legacy of white su­premacy is en­trenched in U.S. laws and in­sti­tu­tions. He signed lawsthat ended mask man­dates and re­quired par­ents to be no­ti­fied of sex­u­ally ex­plicit in­struc­tional ma­te­r­ial. The state school board, with a ma­jor­ity of Youngkin ap­pointees, ap­proved new statewide so­cial-stud­ies stan­dards.

Af­ter the first full school year of his term ended this month, the di­rec­tion of the state’s schools is far from set­tled. In-class in­struc­tion in Loudoun County has gone on with­out much change.

The new so­cial-stud­ies stan­dards, which echo Youngkin’s cam­paign call for “non­ide­o­log­i­cal and age-ap­pro­pri­ate” learn­ing, won’t take ef­fect un­til the 2025-26 school year. One teacher said his­tory cour­ses re­main the same. A con­ser­v­a­tive mem­ber of the school board says he still sees el­e­ments of crit­i­cal race the­ory be­ing taught. Some par­ents still clamor for more over­sight of class­room in­struc­tion.

Youngkin’s back­ers say gu­ber­na­to­r­ial clout can only go so far to spark change in lo­cal­ized school boards. Other sup­port­ers are urg­ing him to fur­ther push the lim­its of the power he has.

“As far as the pol­icy is­sues, there’s not much that has changed,” said Ian Prior, ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor of Fight for Schools, a Loudoun-fo­cused po­lit­i­cal-ac­tion com­mit­tee that op­poses what it claims is a pivot from aca­d­e­mic rigor.

“That’s just ul­ti­mately the way lo­cal gov­ern­ment works,” said Prior, who spoke at Youngkin cam­paign events in Loudoun, among the high­est-in­come coun­ties in the na­tion and one that has trended De­mo­c­ra­tic.