Curtailing University Graft Can Prevent Student Debt Debacle

Ari Kaufman:

Conservatives and common-sense Americans cheered last month when the Supreme Court correctly ruled that Joe Biden’s abominable attempt to “forgive” $430 billion in college debt for over 25 million borrowers was unlawful.

The White House plan was purely unconstitutional and insulting to Americans. Legislation that Congress designed for a small number of military members in the wake of 9/11 should not be applied to a large portion of the population two decades later.

It was also regressive, robbing blue-collar workers who saved their money and giving to wealthier doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Biden engaged in left-wing class warfare on behalf of the affluent. Or, as Senate Leader Mitch McConnell said, a way for Biden to “pad the pockets of his high-earning base and make suckers out of working families.”

Knowing that transferring college debt can lure ignorant young voters in 2024, Team Biden attempted a political scam to transform attending college from bettering your future prospects through learning to partisan political allegiance. The effort was appalling.

Student debt doled out by schools, and the government is indeed abusive; however, the problem with Biden’s plan is that, like many callous liberal ideas, it does nothingto stop the problem and instead sets a precedent that presidents can erase large portions of student debt.