School Choice & Florida

Ed Pozzuoli:

As public schools across Florida get ready to open, parents have greater choices and control than ever for their children. This state policy providing parents more and better educational choices started over 20 years ago and continues today. The focus on student achievement, as opposed to adult interests, has launched Florida students to the top of class. 

According to U.S. News & World Report, Florida ranks No. 1 nationally this year for education, with higher education, in particular, top-ranked. The state recently earned its highest-ever NAEP rankings for grades 4 and 8, with top-five scores in key categories — all along with the continuation of two decades of narrowing “achievement gaps” for minority, low-income and disabled students. 

While high-profile national political leaders take issue with a couple words in Florida’s new 216-page Black history curriculum, Florida continues to make learning and achievements gains on behalf of all students, particularly students of color. Florida is one of only a few states committed to teaching Black history as an expressed part of the required curriculum.