Armstrong School District (PA) has paid over $1.5 million for SEL curricula to organizations that support DEI initiatives

Parents Defending Education:

Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request seeking invoices that Armstrong School District has with companies that provide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula and that promote DEI initiatives. The school district provided PDE with five invoices that totaled over $1.5 million. The largest of the invoices is dated March 27, 2023, and is from the organization Amplify Education. This invoice is for $699,176.40. This invoice includes costs for curricula from kindergarten through the fifth grade and professional development for teachers.

Another invoice from Amplify Education was dated January 30, 2023, and was for $696,917.40. This invoice also included costs for curricula from kindergarten through the fifth grade and professional development for teachers. Additional invoices with Amplify Education included a cost of $27,176.26 on July 12, 2022, and a cost of $12,740.76 on May 11, 2023.

The school district also has an invoice with CharacterStrong for $80,183.60 that is dated January 3, 2023. This invoice was for SEL curricula and professional development.