Stanley K. Ridgley

If nothing else, the barbarous attacks on Israel by the terror group Hamas exposed the morally vacuous viscera of much of American higher education. By now, we have all we need to know about the “decolonization” folks due to their brutish antics in our streets and on the campuses. In the Middle East, such people are the enemies of civilization. On the campuses, they are the friends of barbarism everywhere.

How did primitivism make such a comeback in the face of logic, reason, science, progress, and humane values? Who are these people who exalt a barbaric anti-science, anti-progress, anti-civilization ethos that leads them to embrace murder, mutilation, rape, torture, and infanticide?

The answer is that they are followers of a bizarre quasi-religious mash-up of critical theory, neo-Marxist pedagogy, Fanonian chaos, and primitive racialism. They call this concoction “social justice.” On their lips, “decolonization” is recited alongside something called “indigeneity” and “indigenous knowledge” to drum up support for the inclusion of Neolithic “ways of knowing” in university curricula. Such terms provide easy labels to identify villains and victims, both in the university and, odd as it seems, in the “oppressor” state of Israel.

You find few supporters of humane Enlightenment values in the university bureaucracy.The doctrine is depraved to an inhuman extent. It is a tangible expression of the descent of a large part of humanity into an orgy of violence. “Decolonization” is civilizational regression, aided and abetted by mediocre bureaucrats and observed in silence by fearful and emasculated faculty.