Notes on the Milwaukee tax & spending increase referendum

City Forward Collective:

Milwaukee’s vitality hinges on a robust K-12 school ecosystem — and that includes a thriving Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). However, recent announcements from the School Board paint a daunting picture — a projected budget shortfall exceeding $1.2 billion over the next five years, including a staggering $200 million gap looming for the upcoming school year.

In response, the School Board is urgently seeking voter approval on April 2nd for over a quarter-billion dollars in permanent, new revenues through a property tax increase to address these financial challenges. However, Milwaukee’s students, families, and taxpayers rightfully expect more than an expensive band-aid to our school district’s fiscal and academic crises.

CFC’s Bottom Line

  1. The Milwaukee Board of School Directors must go beyond just seeking more funds from Milwaukee families, residents, and taxpayers, and present a well-defined and comprehensive plan for addressing its academic and financial challenges.
  2. MPS should outline precisely how the proposed new revenues will be used to directly and dramatically improve academic outcomes for all Milwaukee students.