“Dear Students“

Kelly Meyerhofer:

This is quite the parting email from Richard Brunson to the Goshen College student orchestra.


Richard Brunson:

I wanted to take a moment and tell you how sorry I am. I am sorry my time with you ended so abruptly. I loved my time at Goshen College and will miss it. I am also sorry that so many of you were so quick to believe the worst of me. I am sorry that no one thought to ask whether the news was true, or if it was deliberately skewed and sensationalistic. I am sorry you couldn’t see muckraking, yellow journalism for what it was. I am sorry that the student reporters at Goshen, even when they were provided with the documented facts showing that the news reports were deliberately salacious, continued to spout half-truths and innuendo, and I’m sorry that some of you were so willing to aid in that endeavour. The UW knew I was not a danger to anyone, or they wouldn’t have tried to extort me to drop my legal actions against them and then they would let me move on with my career. I am sorry you don’t see the irony of someone saying in the student paper that they believe in “restorative justice” and forgetting that to restore something means to put it back the way.

I am sorry that you didn’t get to see my daughter Alyson sobbing in my arms when I had to break the news to her. I’m sorry that Goshen College was more interested in appearing to do the right thing for the sake of appearances instead of actually doing the right thing regardless of the consequences as Jesus would have done. I am sorry that I won’t get to make music with you again. I was determined to be a most loyal and supportive friend to all of you. I’m sorry you didn’t believe that.

I am sorry that you didn’t get to see my daughter Alyson sobbing in my arms when I had to break the news to her. I’m sorry that Goshen College was more interested in appearing to do the right thing for the sake of appearances instead of actually doing the right thing regardless of the consequences as Jesus would have done. I am sorry that I won’t get to make music with you again. I was determined to be a most loyal and supportive friend to all of you. I’m sorry you didn’t believe that.

And I’m especially sorry that when Mika still showed up to play oboe in order to make sure you had all the players you needed for the concert, colleagues didn’t even have to decency to acknowledge her presence, or the decency to tell her in advance that they didn’t want her to play.

I leave you with a clear conscience, knowing that I am innocent of any offense against you. And though I do wrong, I do not the wrongs of which I am accused.

Believe it or not, but I wish only the best to you all, always. I will miss working with you, and seeing you achieve such great things.


My client, Richard Brunson, admitted to wrongs and apologized, as is documented in the legal record,” Brown told the Journal Sentinel. “He made the mistake of defending himself against procedural oversteps and excessive punishments that violated the law. When will his punishments end?”

And. Search.