Former Green Bay Schools Superintendent Claude Tiller speaks out for the first time since his resignation

Danielle DuClos

In the nearly two-hour-long radio interview, Tiller talked about student mental health, applying for the superintendent job, re-energizing clubs for students and staff of color, the need to hire more teachers of color and his vision to make the Green Bay School District known for its education.

During one of the commercial breaks captured on the Facebook Live video, Tiller referenced an employee who he said was being targeted by a district principal. In the video, Tiller said he has to move the employee just to protect him.

“This wicked witch … she’s leaving at the end of this year,” he said, referring to the principal. “She’s doing everything in her possible to get him.”

Then Berry said that people don’t want to have those kinds of conversations, to which Tiller agreed.

“The first thing they say, ‘Who me?’ Well, B-I-T-C-H, of course it’s you,” Tiller said in the video.