‘Misinformation’ specialist apologizes for her Covid-related misinformation and criticism of other doctors

By Sharyl Attkisson 

Underscoring the point that many self-proclaimed factcheck and misinformation groups are actually propagandists distributing misinformation themselves, the founder of “the independent research group MisinformationKills” is now apologizing to several doctors who are on the leading edge of treating Covid and Covid vaccine injuries.

Dr. Allison Neitzel repeatedly disparaged Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, founders of Front Line Covid Critical Care (FLCCC). Her criticisms included a study by Dr. Marik on the effect of Vitamin C on sepsis, and a meta-analysis by Drs. Marik and Kory on the use of ivermectin to treat Covid.

I regret my use of words like fraudulent and grift, which I should not have used. I apologize to the FLCCC, Dr. Marik and Dr. Kory.Dr. Allison Neitzel, founder of the propaganda group “MisinformationKills”

Neitzel has attacked other vaccine industry foes, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. She also claims Aaron Rodgers spread of misinformation about Covid vaccines. The football star declined to get vaccinated.

Read more of Neitzel’s apology below.