Apply to come to Invisible College

Ben Southwood:

In August Works in Progress is hosting a week-long residential seminar in Cambridge for people aged 18–22. During this week, we aim to give attendees a thorough grounding in three of the topics most important to us: how the world got rich; what is going wrong with science today; and how to design public policies so they have a chance of being implemented. 

This will involve lectures, discussions, and other classes led by the people that we think are making the biggest impacts on these subjects today, including Works in Progress authors such as Saloni Dattani, Stuart Ritchie, and Anton Howes.

The programme’s name comes from the supposed group of seventeenth century thinkers known as the Invisible College, led by the Irish chemist Robert Boyle and the English economist Sir William Petty. 

Attendance is open to anyone around the world who will be aged 18–22 in August 2024. The main requirement is that you are thirsty for knowledge, curious about new ideas, and excited about shaping the world of the future. Please forward this invitation on to anyone you know whom you think might fit the bill.