The Good Enough Trap

Ian Leslie

After we lost access to the office, software provided us with a substitute that functioned just well enough for us to get fooled, for a while, into believing we hadn’t lost anything at all.

Software designers refer to “the good enough principle”. It means, simply put, that sometimes you should prioritise functionality over perfection. As a relentless imperfectionist, I’m inclined to embrace this idea. I gave this newsletter its name to encourage myself to post rough versions of my pieces rather than not to write them at all. When it comes to parenting, I’m a Winnicottian: I believe you shouldn’t try to be the perfect mum or dad because there’s no such thing. At work and in life, it’s often true that the optimal strategy is not to strive for the optimal result, but to aim for what works and hope for the best. 

The good enough can be a staging post to the perfect. The iPhone’s camera was a “good enough” substitute for a compact camera. It did the job, but it wasn’t as good as a Kodak or a Fuji. Until it was. Technological innovation often works like this, but the improvement curve isn’t always as steep as with the smartphone camera. Sometimes we allow ourselves to get stuck with a product which is good enough to displace the competition, without fulfilling the same range of needs. The psychological and social ramifications can be profound.