Notes on a discrimination lawsuit against Northwestern

John Ransom:

A new lawsuit against Northwestern University has been filed alleging discrimination, this time against white males who were candidates as professors at the university’s law school.

Accusations of falsifying publication records for minority professors seeking tenure, improperly pressuring instructors to increase grades for favored minorities, threats to withhold staff bonuses if they don’t vote to hire unqualified minority candidates and other questionable practices litter the lawsuit filed against the school.

Faculty, Alumni, and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences (FASORP) filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois to stop “Northwestern’s discriminatory faculty-hiring practices and expose the corrupt faculty and administrators who enable and perpetuate these violations of federal law.”

“This is the first of many lawsuits that will be filed against universities that refuse to implement colorblind and sex-neutral faculty-hiring practices. Our client [FASORP] has standing to sue any university we want, and any professor who has incriminating evidence should reach out to us.” saidJonathan F. Mitchell, the lead counsel in the case.