America’s declining birthrate is a far greater


greater risk to our future than, say, climate change – yet most politicians are too scared to talk about it & now it’s apparently taboo. But here are the facts: our nation’s birth rate is now down to 1.62 births per woman, the lowest in history and well below replacement rate.

It’s not even that people don’t want kids. In fact, American women on average have fewer children than they say they’d hoped for.

The “graying” of America means an overloaded healthcare system & eventually higher taxes for all. Today, there are only about 3 workers for every retiree. By 2060, that number will be down to 2. This is staggering & unlike any other period in our history.

An aging labor force also means lower rates of business formation and slower economic growth. Every 10% increase in the proportion of individuals over 60 is estimated to reduce GDP per capita by 5.7%.