Austin Berg:

Yesterday, Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates accused Martinez of being “insubordinate” after his team presented numbers showing the union’s demands would effectively bankrupt the school district.

Every other mayor in this city has told them what to do and they’ve done it,” Davis Gates said of past CPS leaders appointed by Chicago mayors.

“You’ve got to ask Pedro why he doesn’t comply with the [mayoral] transition report that the mayor’s team said yes to…You can ask [Gov.] JB [Pritzker], too. You can ask [Board of Education President] Jianan Shi. You can ask all those boys how they are going to lead this district into the transformation that these children deserve.”


John Kass:

But the vacancy rate for downtown Chicago has reached 30 percent, not due to Covid, but to the Black Lives Matter riots and subsequent smash and grab sprees of theft. This puts increased strain on taxpayers.

The vacant storefronts of downtown Chicago grin at the city like a mouthful of broken teeth.

You won’t hear much about that either.

Putting Harris and Foxx and Soros and anarchy into one column would make the “civilized” turn up their noses. It’s rather like forcing them to sniff ammonia.

But Soros has busily been about promoting anarchy in the West by electing permissive prosecutors that I call “Soros prosecutors.” They don’t prosecute crime; their political slogans racialize this because they don’t want to put minorities in jail.