Skylar Croy:

Unprecedented is an understatement.

No. 2024AP1643-OA Strange v. Wisconsin Elections Comm’n

A petition for leave to commence an original action under Wis. Stat. § (Rule) 809.70 has been filed on behalf of petitioner, David Strange, individually and as Deputy Operations Director-Wisconsin for the Democratic National Committee. The petition names as respondents: (1) Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC); (2) Megan Wolfe, in her official capacity as Administrator of WEC; (3-8) Don Millis, Robert Spindell, Jr., Marge Bostelmann, Ann Jacobs, Mark Thomsen, and Carrie Riepl, in their official capacities as Commissioners of WEC; and (9) the Wisconsin Green Party.

IT IS ORDERED that by 11:00 a.m. on today’s date, the petitioner shall provide this court, in writing, with the name, physical address, and email address of an attorney or other representative of each respondent who is authorized to accept service of orders issued by this court.

REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J. (dissenting). The majority issues an unprecedented order directing the petitioner-within two hours-to give the court contact information for the respondents, which is currently absent from the record because no one has entered an appearance on behalf of any of those parties. How is the petitioner— an employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC)-supposed to know the name or physical address of an “attorney or other representative of each respondent who is authorized to accept service of orders issued by this

For those following along at home, the Democrats are picky on a small independent third party that hasn’t even had a chance to obtain a lawyer.


To go directly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and seek far-reaching, antidemocratic relief is inappropriate. Truly demonstrating that history repeats itself: four years ago, the Wisconsin Elections Commission rejected the Green Party’s effort to get on the ballot.



We are back to the $1 trillion every 90 days

Thomas Massie:

Democrats tried to keep him from testifying that day because he tells it like it is. Here’s the clip

Jill Stein:

We may disagree with RFK Jr. about many things, but he’s right about how the Democratic Party uses lawfare and dirty tricks to suppress democratic competition and voter choice.

The Dems preach about “saving democracy”, but in reality they’re working overtime to stamp it out.