
Wow. X has released one of the orders that they refused to comply with that led to Alexandre de Moraes shutting down X, freezing the local assets of Space X, and threatening fines for anyone that uses it via VPN.

The order gave X 2 hours to block a bunch of accounts without any specific justification, including the account of sitting Brazilian Senator Marcos Ribeiro do Val.


Consider how crazy this is regardless of your views on X or Musk:

A judge ordered a bunch of accounts secretly closed and info about the owners to be sent to him without explaining what those accounts did wrong. Then when X tried to contest, he threatened their legal representative. When that one quit and they refused to give him a new target, he ordered for the platform to be shut down throughout the country, for the assets of a completely unrelated business to be seized because it shares an owner, and then threatened anyone who uses the platform via alternative methods with fines.

This goes beyond just abuse of power and there is no reasonable explanation for it.

Robert Sterling:

You guys keep telling me I’m too paranoid about losing free speech.

But I’m telling you: You’re not nearly paranoid enough.


I will continue to beat the drum that we must restore real civics education in America. We’re currently witnessing what happens when you teach an entire generation to despise, rather than respect, the greatest (& most free, for now) nation on earth.

Paul Graham:

Robert Reich wrote in The Guardian that “regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.” The US is part of the world. So are you saying the US government should threaten him with arrest, @rbreich?

Paul Thacker:

Professional Democrats, like Robert Reich, want to control what you can say.

They call it “moderation” but the end goal is censorship.

Bill Ackman:


The Biden administration censored people. Any “disinformation expert” saying otherwise is spreading disinformation.

Meanwhile, curious US rhetoric.

Fabius Maximus:

Robert Reich thinks George Soros using his billons to make the West Leftists is fine. But Musk defending classical liberal values should be arrested or at least suppressed. Leftists now openly seek tyranny.

Maud Maron:

Who decides what is “misinformation” @RBReich?? How can you even pretend that bureaucrats and political apparatchiks wielding the awesome power of idea censorship is better than America’s commitment to Free Speech enshrined in the FIRST AMENDMENT of the Bill of Rights.

Nate Silver:

The misinformation people often have latent authoritarian tendencies actually scratch that I meant explicit ones.

Walter Kirn:

The last few days have seen an almost symphonic surge of attacks on our most fundamental rights, by officials, newspapers, politicians, celebrities, & academics. It’s not rhetoric anymore, it’s an organized massing of institutional forces prior to big moves which seem imminent