Bill Ackman:

I am one of many who have been extraordinarily misled by the media on @realDonaldTrump. The reporter below outlines a number of important such examples of media manipulation in a four-minute segment that I strongly encourage you to watch.

These examples are often the ones that are brought to my attention by friends and family who say: ‘How can you support Trump when he said ….’

When I explain that his excerpted words were presented out of context and give an example like the ‘very fine people’ quote and show them the source video, they are stunned when they realize for the first time that they have been manipulated by the media about Trump for nearly a decade.

In a world with increasing demands on our time and an infinite amount of media and social media, very few people go to the source to check facts. As a result, the opportunity for media manipulation has become much greater.

Ironically, I was accused by the same friends and family of manipulation when I shared videos of @POTUS Biden which demonstrated his cognitive decline. I was scolded for sharing ‘right wing propaganda.’