Aaron Sibarium:

HHS announced last week that it had launched an investigation of the clinic’s Minority Stroke Program, which is dedicated to “treating stroke in racial and ethnic minorities,” and its Minority Men’s Health Center, which screens black and Hispanic men for disease, in response to a discrimination complaintfiled by Do No Harm, an advocacy group that opposes identity politics in medicine.

“[The Office of Civil Rights] has reviewed the complaint and has determined that it has sufficient authority and cause to investigate the allegations,” HHS wrote in a letter to Do No Harm’s attorneys. “Therefore, we have initiated an investigation.”

Founded in 2023 by Stanley Goldfarb—a physician at the University of Pennsylvania and the father of Washington Free Beacon chairman Michael Goldfarb—Do No Harm has filed more than 160 discrimination complaints against hospitals and medical schools around the country, six of which were referred by the Department of Education to HHS’s Office of Civil Rights. The probe marks the first time that HHS has agreed to investigate a hospital based on the group’s complaints, though the Department of Education has launched its own inquiries.