Enrollment -8%, staff +14.5%
CTU is not only destroying the schools financial health but the city’s as well as the city picks up more of the schools costs forcing city to raise taxes & cut services including police. Schools already spend $30K per student & CTU contract demands cost $10 billion. READ ON.
• Since 2019 before COVID, despite enrollment loss, 8% loss, school district staff grew by 14.5%
• School district has ONE employee for every 7.1 students and ONE teacher for every 14.5.
• The district has more NON teaching staff than teachers, for every 13.8 students.
• Despite 8% loss in enrollment since 2019 the district hired 3% more teachers and 28% more non teacher employees.
• The city last year provided $900 million in additional subsidies on top of the 56% of all property taxes schools receive.
• Meanwhile CTU blocks closing near empty schools, improvements to schools that impact its members and wants to get rid of public charter and magnet schools to eliminate competition.
The CTU under its present leadership and their supporters pose a clear and present danger to the health of the cities finances and the welfare of its residents.