Gabriella Hartlaub

After recommendations from a working group on Registered Student Organization code of conduct, the University of Wisconsin-Madison required student organizations to have an advisor listed and outlined consequences for organizations who do not participate 

The University of Wisconsin-Madison updated the Registered Student Organization (RSO) code of conduct in August to require RSOs have an advisor and mandate RSOs participate in disciplinary investigations. 

“RSO advising can be provided by a volunteer advisor chosen by or matched with the student organization; an assigned advisor provided by the departmental sponsor; or CfLI advising services,” an email sent to RSO contacts in early August said. 

The new policy — that went into effect Aug. 30 —  outlines consequences for organizations that disaffiliate from the university during conduct investigations and disciplinary action for any RSO that knowingly collaborates, cosponsors or in any way participates in any event with an RSO that has disaffiliated from the university during the conduct process.