Parents defending education

In 2020-21, as many schools across America were shuttered because of COVID-19, parents were sitting at home working virtually, alongside their children learning virtually, and they began to realize that classroom education was no longer focused on math, science, history, English, and other subjects that would prepare young
students for success. Now, children were being taught that America was systemically racist, that they were either the oppressors or the oppressed, and that it was their responsibility to call out micro-aggressions and systemic racism and to look down on the now-hateful idea of legal equality for all. They were being taught that racism permeates every aspect of society and that no matter your biological sex, you can be a boy, girl, both, or neither. And they were told that any dissent from this orthodoxy would be met with discipline and social ostracization.

Fearing for their children and aware of the limited time that young students have to learn critical skills in the public school system, parents spontaneously mobilized to protect the integrity of taxpayer-funded public education. They utilized every legal tool at their disposal, from lawsuits and efforts to recall elected officials to simply voicing their opposition to school board members who often seemed committed to ignoring their constituents, to prevent public education from becoming woke indoctrination.

While this movement grew across America, it reached its peak in Virginia, where school systems had not only embraced these divisive concepts but began the process of forcing students as young as five years old to share bathrooms and locker rooms
with members of the opposite sex. Teachers who protested were suspended, and parents who spoke out were mocked, vilified, arrested, and verbally attacked by the very elected officials who represented them.