John McGinnis:

At its core, the progressive left’s attack on the Constitution undermines the very foundation of American democracy: the sovereignty of the people. As historian Gordon Wood has shown, the genius of American constitutionalism lies not merely in rejecting monarchy but in placing ultimate authority in the hands of the people, not their rulers. The Constitution represents this popular sovereignty by setting firm limits on government power. Allowing any branch of government—whether Congress, the presidency, or the judiciary—to rewrite these limits at will subverts this fundamental act of self-government.

Even more troubling, as political scientist Keith Whittington has observed, it denies the people their ongoing sovereignty—their right to amend the Constitution as they see fit. The Founders designed Article V to ensure that ultimate authority always rests with the people, not with their temporary agents. A Supreme Court that seeks to enforce the Constitution as written, thus safeguarding popular sovereignty against temporary political whims, naturally becomes the target of progressive ire.