Paul Teller:

Year after year, administration after administration, Congress continues to pass last-minute spending bills without amendment, without cutting spending and without addressing our unsustainable federal debt.

They continue to extend liberal priorities without a second thought, while conservative policy provisions are left out year after year.

Despite a Republican majority in the House and very narrow Democrat control of the Senate, the current Congress has once again chosen this well-trodden path and set up Dec. 20th as the day by which to pass the annual Christmas spending bill. This Christmas chokepoint will likely be used to force an earmarks-laden omnibus appropriations bill (or equivalent) that increases spending and carries on it other big-spending items, like a food-welfare extension, a PAYGO waiver and a debt-ceiling increase.

It is noteworthy that House Speaker Mike Johnson and the entire House Leadership team adopted and sincerely advocated the appropriations plan developed by House conservatives and the Conservative Movement: a six-month CR to avoid a Christmas chokepoint, with the SAVE Act attached to prohibit the voter registration of non-citizens.

The Leadership efforts are commendable. The conservative world made a very reasonable ask, and leadership not only listened but made a real push to pass the conservative plan. They deserve thanks from conservatives.

US debt clock.