Katherine Boyle:


-Three-year program; 1 year core, second year tracked to four programs: AI, Automotive, Energy and Aerospace engineering. Additional tracks will follow. Co-op model with company starts in second year. No summer breaks as co-op work is spread throughout year. Students must work with sponsor institution, though based on performance they can work for another company in the consortium after graduation.

-Based on class rank (1 through 1000) students pick company and role at one of a consortium of companies that have agreed to hire Texas Institute of Technology and Science graduates. -Students can change company sponsor based on performance. (Like Military Academies top performing students get the best roles). Debt to sponsoring company repaid /subsidized through years of service at the sponsor company. Students will receive equity in chosen company after graduation.

To Do:
-Acquire Texas-based private school for accreditation/regulatory purposes.
-Rename school to Texas Institute of Technology and Science.
-revamp curriculum/professors for 2025/2026 school year.
-Develop Texas Institute of Technology and Science Entrance Test
-Co-op model to begin with 25 sponsor partners, all companies or USG that can commit to sponsor students. Companies develop co op curriculum but must meet a set of requirements developed by professors and administration to ensure rigorous work environment.
-Texas Institute of Technology and Science board of directors formed. Board must pass the entrance test.
-Texas Institute of Technology and Science president selected by Board. President must also pass entrance test and publish his/her results.