Paul Vallas

Make no mistake, due to the upcoming CTU elections and her job being on the line, Stacy Davis Gates began a war against Pedro Martinez, who she is using as a scapegoat for the irresponsible contract she is trying to force onto the Chicago taxpayers.

After using her member’s union dues to elect her lobbyist to become mayor, she promised members enormous raises in her first contract negotiation as CTU President. Now, it is clear that her promises, which would mean increasing taxes by billions and billions of dollars, are simply not based in reality.

She remains unconcerned about the havoc that she is causing with the firing of Martinez and that the contract she is proposing will create a financial crisis that will raise taxes on Chicagoans, including CTU members, for years to come.

Meanwhile, she refuses to release her union’s financial audits, which is mandated by law. Why hasn’t the Illinois Attorney General stepped in to demand their release?
CTU members, please pay attention: Your vote matters in the upcoming election.