The Fall of Florida’s ‘Zombie Unions’
Wall Street Journal: “ai” summary:
• Union Decertification in Florida: Over 63,000 public employees in Florida have become unrepresented since 2023 due to a law requiring public unions to hold new elections whenever the share of members paying dues drops below 60%.
• Impact on Florida Education Association (FEA): The FEA’s revenue dropped 14% due to chapter closures, impacting its ability to fund elections and lobbying activities.
• Reason for Decertification: The law banning school districts from deducting dues from teachers’ paychecks has led to a decrease in union membership as members are now required to actively choose to pay dues.
• Legal Challenge: The union is suing to block the 2022 law that requires recertification and allows schools to deduct dues.
• Court Ruling: A federal judge ruled in favor of the union, stating the law violated their First Amendment right, but the decision is likely to be appealed.
• Union’s Performance: The need for coercion to maintain local chapters suggests unions are failing to meet the needs of their members.