Civics: Taxpayer Funded Policies and Elections
Ross Douthat interviews Marc Andreessen:
“And then… Covid hits, which was a giant radicalizing moment. And at that point, we had lived through eight years of what was increasingly clearly a social revolution.”
“Very clearly, companies are basically being hijacked to engines of social change, social revolution. The employee base is going feral. There were cases in the Trump era where multiple companies I know felt like they were hours away from full-blown violent riots on their own campuses by their own employees. Things got really aggressive during that period. And so I go from watching Brian Williams every night and just being lied to 500 nights in a row to, basically, reading the Mueller report, reading the Horowitz I.G. report and being like, ‘Oh, my God, none of this is true.’ And then you try to explain to people, ‘This isn’t true.’ And then they get really mad at you because how can you possibly have any sympathy for a fascist?”