Dairyland Sentinel:

In conjunction with School Choice Week, Dairyland Sentinel provides this chronicle of this history of School Choice in Wisconsin


An Idea Becomes Reality

The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) emerged in 1989 as a response to the dissatisfaction of Milwaukee families with traditional public education. Despite facing significant opposition, key figures like Governor Tommy Thompson, State Representative Polly Williams, State Senator Gary George, Susan Mitchell, and Howard Fuller fought for its establishment, leading to the creation of the country’s first voucher program in 1990.

Expanding Choices to Include Religious Schools

The ethos of educational choice is about trusting and empowering parents to select the best educational environment for their children. Initially limited to non-religious private schools, the 1995 amendment to include religious schools sparked debate. However, this expansion was upheld by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 1998, broadening parental options.

Statewide Public School Choice

Open enrollment in Wisconsin public schools began in 1998 as a bipartisan initiative, offering parents the opportunity to send their children to schools outside their residential district. Since its inception, the program has required each district to publicize the number of available seats for open enrollment students, based on factors like student-teacher ratios and building capacities. Students could apply to up to three different districts, with districts having the discretion to evaluate applicants based on discipline history and truancy. If demand outstripped availability, a random lottery was conducted. The primary application window was established from February to April, with an additional late summer window for students affected by specific circumstances like violence or moving into the state.