That includes money provided directly to the DPI itself as well as dollars that are passed along to school districts or other agencies.
Among other things, the money has gone toward bolstering the state teacher workforce, expanding access to mental health services and providing free meals to students. Schools with large populations of low-income students also qualify for federal funds under Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Federal dollars accounted for about a third of the $7.5 billion Universities of Wisconsin budget in the 2023-24 school year. Federal contracts and grants were the largest piece of that, contributing $1.6 billion for research and operations, while federal aid for 74,166 students tallied $736 million.
The UW system didn’t have figures available for how much student aid has been paid out this semester or what remained outstanding, spokesperson Mark Pitsch said. Federal grants are managed by each university and often come in the form of reimbursements, Pitsch added.
At UW-Madison, federal grants and contracts made up $776.7 million of the university’s nearly $5 billion budget in 2023-24. Half of the university’s $1.7 billion research enterprise comes from federal research dollars