Public Interest Legal Foundation:

JANUARY 2025 – Automatic voter registration programs are adding foreigners to voter rolls new data show. Records obtained by the Public Interest Legal Foundation have revealed failures in Oregon and South Dakota to keep foreigners off voter rolls in the 2024 Election in these two states.

For years, PILF has warned that automatic voter registration (AVR) invites error. It is promoted as a streamlining concept to cut down on paperwork at the DMV. It is supposed to increase voter registration rates. Each of these promises sound admirable, but there is a catch: those tasked with executing AVR aren’t experienced in election administration and inevitable significant errors occur.

At its essence, AVR forces department of motor vehicle clerks into the role of making determinations of voting eligibility. Non-English speakers are routinely confused by the paperwork at DMV, and then their names and addresses are automatically sent to the voter roll. If DMV clerks make errors logging noncitizen customer information, the same. can happen. Both scenarios were disclosed shortly before