Governor’s taxpayer funded audit: “Milwaukee Public Schools are not in a position to ensure student success”
The damning 41-page report outlines a number of internal and external factors at the district that have caused multiple failures, including an “absence of clear vision” and “leadership routinely disempowered to lead.”
“The motivation for this review is clear: MPS must make systemic changes to ensure that students — particularly the most vulnerable — are at the center of every decision,” states the audit by MGT of America Consulting LLC. “Ultimately, this work is in service of students, whose future success hinges on a district capable of delivering equitable, high-quality education.”
Meanwhile, the taxpayer funded DPI, lead by Jill Underly continues its rigor reduction campaign.
Did taxpayer funded Wisconsin DPI Superintendent Underly Juice Test Scores for Reelection?
Parents overestimate student achievement, underestimate spending
Related: Act 10