
Ahead of the forum, Kinser and Republicans have repeatedly attacked Underly for changing the educational assessment standards, charging the incumbent lowered the standards which leads to misrepresentation of how students are doing. The GOP-run Legislature passed a bill to reject the Underly change. It’s now before Gov. Tony Evers. 

Underly has defended the change, saying the standards were adjusted after discussions with experts to best fit Wisconsin needs. 

Underly and Kinser appeared Wednesday night in a joint forum co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Public Education Network, the NAACP Wisconsin State Council of Branches, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and Early Childhood Action Needed. Kevin Lawrence Henry Jr., UW-Madison associate professor of educational leadership and policy analysis, moderated the discussion. It’s the first and likely only joint appearance of the campaign.

The two candidates will face off April 1. Kinser, an education consultant from Wauwatosa, is backed by conservative groups and school choice advocates. Underly is backed by the Democratic Party and the state teachers’ union, WEAC.


Did taxpayer funded Wisconsin DPI Superintendent Underly Juice Test Scores for Reelection?

notes and links on Incumbent DPI Superintendent Jill Underly.