Charlie Mas:

It has been, for some time now, the District’s contention that they are working to “make every school a quality school”. This is a significant goal of the Strategic Plan, “Excellence for All”, and a pre-requisite for the New Student Assignment Plan.
So one might wonder how the District defines a “quality school”. In fact, many more than one might wonder about it. The entire freakin’ city might wonder about it. Well, they can just go on wondering because the District doesn’t have an answer.
That’s right. They have been ostensibly working for two years now towards a goal that they have not defined. Although the District defines accountability as having objectively measurable goals and insists that everyone is accountable, there are no objectively measurable goals tied to the definition of a “quality school”. This would appear to be an intentional effort to evade accountability. Not only are there no objectively measurable goals, there are no metrics, no benchmarks, and no assessments. Nice, eh?