Alan Borsuk:

Gregory Thornton wants to fly pretty much below the radar right now.
The incoming superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools says he doesn’t take over until July 1, he doesn’t want to interfere with the current superintendent, William Andrekopoulos, and he’s just beginning to know the people and issues in his visits to Milwaukee. So he doesn’t want to get too specific or out front with what he wants to do with his new job.
But talk to him for 75 minutes in a private room at a cafe and you begin to see where he wants to go, and it includes places that might please some who didn’t favor him being hired and displease some who did.
In short: If you like what Michael Bonds is doing as president of the School Board, there’s a strong chance you’ll like Thornton.
Bonds has become a strong force within MPS in the year since he became head of the nine-member board. He is assertive, firm and smart politically. He wants the board to have more power over MPS, and that’s happening. He was at the center of the fight to stop Gov. Jim Doyle and Mayor Tom Barrett’s bid to switch to mayoral control of MPS, and he’s winning.