Melissa Westbrook:

Meg Diaz pulled together a chart (which I will post later on) that shows some of the “foundation, institutions and private donor contributions to SPS for 2009-2010”). It’s quite interesting reading to see how much some PTAs raise. There are some schools that have real money going through them like McGilvra PTA, $252,558 for a staffing grant, Laurelhurst PTA with $161,000, JSIS PTA, $280,000, Salmon Bay PTA $101,000). New School Foundation gave South Shore $1.2M.
Hey, bless all these people for raising this money and donating it.
But a lot of this says “PTA Supplemental Staffing”. Again, the PTA is not there to backfill staff or fix buildings and it is very sad that this is what is happening. (I know at least one school that does not allow this because of the worry of it being sustainable and I’m sure it is quite a heavy worry for parents to keep up this level of fundraising.) Given that this is happening, I’m a little surprised at how little engagement and respect parents receive given that kind of support and largesse.