Erin Richards:

Milwaukee’s incoming schools leader will focus on improving student achievement, creating more efficient and effective district operations, and partnering with parents, businesses and community members when he takes the reins of the state’s largest public school system in July.
That’s according to Gregory Thornton, Milwaukee Public Schools’ superintendent-in-waiting, who for the first time in public Tuesday began laying out his plan for improvement and hinting at the changes those inside and outside the system can expect to see over the next few years.
“I’m excited because I think Milwaukee is at a very key place,” Thornton said. “I think we’re at a tipping point . . .  I believe we need to tip this thing in a way that young people can be successful.”
Thornton’s discussion was part of a Newsmaker Luncheon hosted by the Milwaukee Press Club at the downtown Newsroom Pub. He answered questions from a panel of local journalists as well as audience members.
From the start, Thornton said, he will have to do “some housekeeping” in the district. Change will happen, he said, and those standing in the way will not be encouraged to stick around.