Thanks to Lawrie Kobza for her post “Superintendent’s Evaluation a Step in the Right Direction.”
She stresses the need for the board to set goals and expectations.
As an example of board-set goals and expectations, I noticed a list created by the board of education of the Forest Grove School District in Oregon. (I first saw the list when looking at the way the Forest Grove district used the concept of the $100 budget, promoted for use by the MMSD by Johnny Winston, Jr.)

I would add, as I have previously said on the blog, that effective goals (whether set by the MMSD or the Forest Grove district) should be measurable and time-specific.
Take this Forest Grove goal:

Increase academic achievement for all students in the district, emphasizing mathematics, literacy in reading, writing and speaking.

I’d think that it would be stronger if it read something like:

Increase academic achievement by at least 5 percentage points for all students in the district, emphasizing mathematics, literacy in reading, writing and speaking.

I hope the board successfully tackles a goal-setting process before the 1st day of the next school year, when it will need the goals to once again evaluate the superintdent’s performance.