Amy Hetzner:

Wisconsin’s education system was rated slightly above the national average based on factors ranging from student achievement to school financing in industry publication Education Week’s annual state rankings released Tuesday.
Overall, Wisconsin received a C-plus grade while the nation earned a C.
The state got high marks in the annual “Quality Counts” report for its school finance system and the “chance for success” its students have based on relatively high levels of parents who are educated and fluent in English, strong kindergarten enrollment and a high graduation rate. Wisconsin’s finance system does particularly well on the report compared with other states in providing more equitable resources among school districts.
Wisconsin’s lowest grade among six areas assessed in the report was for K-12 achievement, where it earned a D-plus. That grade was based on student reading and math proficiency levels on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, including any differences in performance for students living in poverty, and the percentage of students doing advanced-level work. The national average for K-12 achievement also was a D-plus.