St. Paul Public Schools

“Achievement, alignment and sustainability. We will focus all of our efforts in these three areas to build the strong schools that will become the heart, and the hope, of our communities.” Superintendent Valeria S. Silva
Strong Schools, Strong Communities is our strategy for improving education for all students – without exception or excuse. The plan focuses clearly on the needs of students.
Changes, which will be phased in over the next three years, will require us to think differently about some of our long-held beliefs. The changes reflect the best and most successful practices in urban education. They honor and support the elements that have been successful in Saint Paul.
The plan will allow our schools to focus on delivering an education that will reach not only the children who are thriving today in Saint Paul but all of the students in our district. And, we believe, the changes we are making will reconnect many students to the communities where they live – truly making the schools the heart of our community.
We invite you to learn more by clicking on any of the links below, or by attending an upcoming information session near you (see end of page for dates, times and locations).

Tom Weber has more.