Greg Allen

As the White House seized that job news yesterday, President Obama went to Miami. He was there to talk about an issue that has bipartisan support: Education reform. The president visited a Miami high school with an inspiring comeback story. NPR’s Greg Allen reports he was joined by a well-known Florida Republican: The former governor, Jeb Bush.
GREG ALLEN: There are many lessons to be learned from Miami’s Central High School: The first is that when there’s a president visiting, 600 students can make a lot of noise.
President BARACK OBAMA: It is good to be here today.
(Soundbite of cheering)
Mr. OBAMA: I’m excited.
ALLEN: Miami-Dade is the nation’s fourth-largest school district, and for many years Central was one of its worst high schools. A perennial underachiever, for years it consistently ranked as a failing F school. President Obama noted that in one survey only a third of students said they felt safe at school.