Bill Turque:

The big shoe ready to drop this summer on the DCPS labor relations front involves the estimated 550 teachers who are subject to dismissal if they receive a second consecutive “minimally effective” rating on the IMPACT evaluation system. For Mayor Vincent C. Gray and Acting Chancellor Kaya Henderson, it will be a closely watched test of their resolve to follow through on a signature initiative of the Michelle Rhee era, designed to improve teacher effectiveness by pushing poor performers out of the system.
It now appears that some teachers — most likely younger ones — will get a reprieve from the two-strikes-and-out rule established in 2009. Earlier this week, human capital chief and IMPACT architect Jason Kamras told principals that if they had young teachers with promise who were headed for a second poor evaluation, they could apply for exceptions.
“We recognize that in some cases, a principal might want to retain a second-year teacher who has received minimally effective ratings in each of his or her first two years of teaching but has demonstrated improvement and the potential to become an effective teacher in the following year,” Kamras said.