Paul Greenberg:

Higher education keeps getting lower. And not just in my home state, where the core curriculum at the University of Arkansas’ campus at Fayetteville is being hollowed out. It’s happening all over. In Britain, the study of the humanities is being diluted, too.
Happily, this sad trend has inspired a familiar reaction. Over here, as state universities cut back on required courses that once were considered necessary for a well-rounded education, small liberal arts colleges have taken up the slack. Now comes word from England that A.C. Grayling, the renowned philosopher, has joined with other free-spirited academics to start a new, private College of the Humanities.
These new schools are part of an old tradition. Isn’t that how the first universities in Europe began — as communities of scholars teaching the classical curriculum? They were founded, organized and run by the faculty, not administrators. And out of those universities came a great renaissance, the rebirth of classical education after what we now call the Dark Ages.