Portland mom opts children out of standardized testing

Seth Koenig:

At the time, Julie Fitzgerald didn’t know much about standardized testing or the laws in place that promote it. She just saw her young child crying.
“He was trying to do his math homework, which is a subject he usually enjoyed,” she recalled. “He was really struggling, and he put his head down on the counter and started to cry. He said, ‘I’m stupid.'”
Fitzgerald learned that her son, then in the second grade, had taken an assessment test that day in school and had become overwhelmed by it. A year later, she has informed Portland school officials in writing that she’s opting both of her kids, students at Hall Elementary School, out of standardized testing.
She’s one of few parents in Portland to take that step, but represents a local tie to a growing nationwide movement of parents dissatisfied with assessment tests mandated by state and federal education laws.