Liz Boardman:

More than 100 teachers, and some NEA-RI officials, filled West Kingston Elementary School’s cafetorium and spilled over into the library at Tuesday night’s School Committee meeting. They came bearing signs reading, “Stop the Bullies. Speak Up,” “Bully Free Zone,” “Hatchet Job” and “Where is your ‘good-faith’ assessment?'”
They were protesting termination notices given to three non-tenured special education teachers during an executive session on Sunday. Union officials said the fired teachers were not properly evaluated or given an opportunity to improve and were given five minutes to decide if they would prefer to resign.
In an interview Tuesday afternoon, Superintendent Kristen Stringfellow and School Committee Chairwoman Maureen Cotter said they could confirm only that there was an executive session on Sunday and three teachers were given non-renewal notices.
During public comment on Tuesday, social worker Christi Saurette, who works at Peace Dale and Matunuck elementary schools, talked about the district’s bullying policy, and how it teaches students to treat everyone with respect, and how it is important to stand up to a bully, and expose the behavior.