Melissa Westbrook:

Update: the district is saying that the HR investigation of the “Lafayette issues” will be completed early next week. That’s pretty fast considering how long this has dragged out. I’m hoping the district has really done a complete investigation along with an explanation of how it got to this point. I also hope that Dr. Enfield will be making some kind of statement of assurance to parents about principals and their understanding of how to handle these kinds of issues.
This is a serious subject with serious allegations. That there appears to be many witnesses and e-mail evidence to nearly everything said and done is clear.
I lay this out as clearly as I know it from extensive input I have received. I have a statement (at the end of this thread) from the district that I believe would cover any statement from either the principal, Jo Lute-Ervin or Aurora Lora, Executive Director for that region.
I have known Lafayette to be a popular and high-performing school. It is one of the many over-enrolled schools in West Seattle.
But as I have told others, this issue is much bigger than just Lafayette.
Once again, if staff had followed protocol, this issue could have been quietly resolved in a fair and satisfactory manner. If the district staff had followed protocol, it could have been resolved without any outside notice. However, it appears that did not happen either at the school or district level.