Mike Antonucci:

You learn all you need to know about education policy in California when you understand that both a Republican governor and a Democratic big-city mayor are compelled to negotiate behind closed doors with the bosses of a private enterprise – the teachers’ union – but are in no way obligated to solicit the views of the public, who will pay the price for such grand schemes.
The Los Angeles Times editorial page got it exactly right this morning: “Consider a school whose students are failing at math. Who could responsible parents see to address the problem? The teachers picked the curriculum, but they can’t be voted out of office. The school didn’t decide its budget; the superintendent did that. But both the board and the mayor have a say in it. The board can’t hire and fire the superintendent on its own; the mayor can say the board selects the superintendent. And because the board loses power in this deal, it has little interest in seeing it succeed.”