Via a Johnny Winston, Jr. email:

Welcome to the week of July 3rd edition of the Madison school board’s “Progress Report.” I hope everyone is enjoying the summer
First, upcoming business…On Monday July 10th several committees of the board are meeting: Partnerships at 5 p.m.; Finance & Operations at 6 p.m.; Communications at 7 p.m. and Long Range Planning at 8 p.m
The general meeting on July 17th will include a drama performance from youth involved in MSCR arts program
Next, a few notes on what was accomplished last month
On June 19th the board held a “brainstorming session” to discuss future district directions. This included developing agenda items for the board and committees. For the ‘06-‘07 school year, the entire board will focus on: 1) Attendance, Dropouts, Truancy and Expulsions; 2) Budget Process; 3) Math & Literacy; and 4) Equity. Many items were discussed for committee agendas and the committees themselves will prioritize them
On June 22nd the board approved a one year total package increase of 3.98% for MMSD administrators with 2.18% of that increase going to base salary. The district will investigate whether the current level of health insurance benefits can be provided at a lower cost, which would result in cost savings
Upcoming agenda items include: Food/Wellness; Animals in the Classroom; and Advertising & Sponsorship policies; and the Superintendent’s Evaluation.

Citizen Members Needed for Communications Committee:
This is a new committee that replaced the Legislative committee. The focus will be on increasing public engagement in legislative policy and on public understanding of legislative policy impacts. Arlene Silveira is the committee chair. If interested in serving, please send name, address, telephone number and a statement of 500 words or less explaining qualifications and interest to me at 545 W. Dayton St. Madison, WI (03) or Email me.
District Notes:
Congratulations to Vaunce Ashby for being selected as the new principal for Kennedy Elementary School
Ten school libraries will keep their doors open to readers this summer to provide easy access for city elementary age students to check out books from school libraries. Libraries are open to elementary students throughout the city attending public and private schools. For more information go to:
Did You Know:
The Madison school board has been receiving very positive accolades in the local press lately. This is truly a team effort. I want to thank my board colleagues, district staff, parents, and community members for their support and dedication to the MMSD. Together, we educate and build a better community!
Johnny Winston, Jr.
President, Madison School Board
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Watch school board meetings and other district programs on MMSD Cable Channel 10 & 19. It is really – reality TV!