Finnish Basic Education Standards

Finnish National Board of Education

The overall distribution of lesson hours for basic education and the minimum number of lessons for core subjects during basic education are decided by the Government. The present distribution of lesson hours was confirmed in 2012 and will be implemented together with the new core curriculum in 2016.

The new distribution of lesson hours in basic education (pdf, in Finnish)

The distribution of lesson hours stipulate such matters as the core subjects taught to all pupils, and the distribution of teaching hours between various subjects.

The national core curriculum is determined by the Finnish National Board of Education. It includes the objectives and core contents of different subjects, as well as the principles of pupil assessment, special-needs education, pupil welfare and educational guidance. The principles of a good learning environment, working approaches as well as the concept of learning are also addressed in the core curriculum. The present national core curriculum for basic education was confirmed in January 2004 and it was introduced in schools in August 2006.